Monday, November 20, 2006

Nintendo Wii launched !! (or ??)

Wii's Box

Nintendo Wii Will Play DVDs in 2007
Nintendo has selected Sonic to enable the DVD playback functionality in the Wii. The Wii is the only late generation console that launched sans DVD playback capability. This was a big deal for some as we talked about a while back.

Sonic Solutions are the folks behind the perennial Roxio CD and DVD software that seems to be issued to every new computer user along with their mouse and keyboard. Nintendo originally left the DVD playback function off the Wii to help cut costs, but is adding it back in for a premium version.

Nintendo Wii User Interface Videos
Download Video here (.avi 130 mb) / watch online
The video showing the setup of the Wii and a complete walkthrough of the Wii interface. This is a great time waster for a rainy Sunday afternoon.

Wii SD Card
Sandisk announces in time for the US Nintendo Wii launch (tomorrow is the day) Nintendo Wii branded SD cards. The amazing feature of these SD cards is that they are white.

The Wii SD cards will be available in three capacities: 512MB, 1GB and 2GB. The suggested retail prices range from $34.99 to $89.99.

see this for consoles sales info (auto updated every minute)

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