Thursday, November 16, 2006

PlayStation 3 LAUNCHED !!!


The Black shiny machine or known as PlayStation 3 has launched !!! this machine is totally different with the PSX and PS2, not only for gaming but also comes with a hi-tech media player, built in Wi-Fi and Blu-ray. (Blu-ray is a new media from SONY for their future product) In my opinion, this machine is not just a game console, because of all the features implanted in PS3...

With the dimension of 32,5x9,8x27,4 cm, of course if you see this machine, it's look very big, a lot people never thought that this machine will be this big. The reason is because of the devices inside, besides the super computer called Cell, Sony also implanted a graphic processor called RSX, the gfx processor helps PS3 to maximize the graphic performance when its connected to HD-TV.


Only with one touch, we can operate PS3 automatically. On the front side we can see the Blu-ray tray with minimalistic design as wel as the eject and power button which blended together with the surface (these two buttons are flat)

Just for info that, PS3 HD can be replace with any other HD brand :) so.. its not necessary to use SONY brand (hahaha at least SONY did some great decision LOL)


On the back side, we can see a lot cable hole there and as we notice in this PS3 got new hole for HDMI output beside LAN (for networking), Optical Output, AV Multi Out, and AC in. The interesting part is the window on the back side of this PS3 id wider than the PS2 (not like PS2 where the window was half-covered by the HDD) with wider window in PS3, the machine can minimalistic the heat.


Now let's take a look with the controller.. when you touched PS3's controller called Sixaxis, it'll remind you with the old PSX controller, it's very light, beside that.. now there's no cable who bothered you when you play game AKA wireless (no cable.. which mean you need to charge when the battery running out, but don't worry you still can play game when the controller is charging) and also support the motion sensing (Copy Wii?), the minus point from this controller is NO VIBRATION!! that is correct, SONY removed the vibrate function in PS3's controller (Let's wait with the future release from this controller, I'm pretty sure, SONY will launch the vibrate controller)


The interface... if you see the screen shot below, you'll notice the "PSP feeling" hahah yeah.. SONY decided to use the same interface as PSP, here's the format detail PS3 supported

Music - MP3
Video - MP4
Photo - JPEG, BMP

more about what PS3 can do? read here


and every time you want to start the game, the icon of the game will shown on the game menu (same as PSP) and of course if you need higher firmware to play the game, they'll put icon for updating the firmware.. :) or :( ?? you decided LOL :))

for this moment, PS3 sell with 20GB and 60GB built in HDD, now your time to choose...

XBOX360 , PlayStation 3, or Nintendo Wii :)


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