Friday, January 19, 2007

Good ulcers medicine !!!

Ulcers (translate: sariawan) is very irritating, very small thing but very PAIN to ass !! uch !! but worry no more... a few days ago I go to pharmacy and told the person that my ulcers are really pain and can not heal with just ordinary medicine. And you know what, she gave me the "secret" medicine haha the brand is "Kenalog". She said that the medicine is VERY strong so just apply a bit already can feel the different (max 3 times a day, not allowed to use for more than 4 days). The good thing is, when you apply, you not feel any pain at all. It's good if you can use when you want to sleep at night and the next day, you'll feel what I felt :)

I already tried my self, only from first used !!! my ulcers numb and not pain at all !! truly amazing. here's the pictures

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Itu mah obat lama Roy,biasanya obat untuk dunia kedokteran,dokter gigi biasanya pake itu untuk ngobati pasiennya yg lagi benahi gigi,trus pasiennya lagi sariawan,gitu.....Ya lumayan la kamu dpt obat itu,kamu khan sukanya sariawan,kl ga salah obatnya bentuk salep,tinggal diolesin ditempat yg sariawan,semoga ga sariawan terus,biar bisa tertawa ngakak,HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
waduh... kapan2 hari harusnya cie2 kasih tau hauhauha, ini obat MUJARAB sekali!! sampe kaget aku haha, hari ini suakite nuemen, diolesin sekali, besok udh ga kerasa lagi... hauhauha sep deh kalo ada obat ini. Tapi obat ini keras banget ya cie kayaknya
Sama aboTIl keren mana :P
aduh... abotilga mempan ma gue van, udh perignya mintak apun abis getu kan numb, terus beberapa jam lagi sakit lagi... yg ini ngga LOL wenak buanget pokoknya
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