Thursday, January 25, 2007

Got my student pass, yay !!

This morning.. early in the morning around 6pm I woke up and went to ICA (immigration) building to take the student pass. Because 2 days ago I just got my medical check up done. Nothing much listed in Medical Check up, just X-ray things and I got HIV +/- (of course I'm negative :P) and here we go, I got my student pass valid for 7 months (which will be renew after 7 months, 'cause my school will take about 2 years) :) and after that I took a class in 2pm.

Yes I know, the quality of the paper was suck. It's just a paper and they laminated LOL I thought I'll get hard paper with a photo, just like a ID Card hahaha but it wasn't :P but well... :P I can not choose hahaha

Wish me luck !

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Congratulation ya Roy,kamu udah sekolah lagi,semoga lancar dan pinter2 bagi wkt,tugasmu sekarang pasti sak gudang,jadi pergunakan wktmu sebaik mungkin,yuk bye
hehe iya... ini cie bing2 tha? waduh pasti lupa klik "Other" terus masukin nama yah? :P hehe

tugasnya seh lom banyak kok, dan skrg lagi blajat business, heheh rada2 nge blank getu deh
Hallo roy,beberapa hari ini inetku problem,jadi ga isa dipake imel,alhamdulilah hari ini udah sembuh dr sekaratnya,wei..wei...wei...kl liat jurusanne medeni ya,ada kata "hospitality" itu khan berhubungan ama rumah sakit,hahaha.Sekarang blajar bisnis apaan nich?oke sekian dulu ya,thanks
hospitality itu bukan rumah sakit cie, kalo ketambahan "ity" artinya udh lain...

hm... artinya kalo ga salah tuh tentang belajar gimana caranya melayani tamu dengan lebih baik (kayak sikap getu deh) biasanya seh kalo di indo kayak blajar di perhotelan hehe

skrg blajar bisnis secara menyeluruh cie, jd belom mendetail ke pokok masalah hehe, puyeng :O
hospiTal iTu arTinya juga keramah-Tamahan roy.
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