Sunday, January 21, 2007

Happy 22nd Birthday to me !!!

21 January 2007, 12.01am sharp (Singapore time) ! so... birthday to me !!

Wuah... I'm old already, 22 years old !! hahaha and this is my first birthday in Singapore. Hm... a bit lonely here, no family and no close friends around but well I'm 22 already, I can not always grumble about these kind of things !! You must be tough Roy!! YEAH!! and I want to settle down here, start studying as well as working here and more importantly, be mature !! I Hope everything will go well bigrazz

Another year has passed, and looking back, I've stayed in Singapore for almost 1 year and I realized I got a lot experiences here, from improving my English (I said improving, that mean my English is not good yet haha) to learning new things, mostly in design but still... I'm digging my talent here.

If I looked back, I remembered coming to Singapore on the 25th January 2006, and I also remembered my 21st Birthday party with my friends (read here) what a life... time indeed flowed so fast.

Good night all

who congrats me so far

-My Sister
-Cie Bing2

By Phone
-My brother

By Friendster
-HenZ Tan (Testimonial)
-Cie Bing2 (Message)
-Veronica (Comment, Testimonial)
-Nathalia (Comment)
-Van (Comment, Testimonial)
-'KuN' (Testimonial)
-Stany (Testimonial)
-' ' ' maRheNe ' ' ' (Testimonial)
-Ich Liebe Dich xXx (Testimonial)
-No-LABEL Series (Testimonial)
-Rooslyn (Testimonial)
-Fennycia (Message)
-Iverra (Testimonial)
-A Shen (Comment)
-Alex (Testimonial)
-Willy (Testimonial)
-Parinya (Testimonial)
-CoCo (Testimonial)
-Liana (Testimonial)
-VEroNiCa (Message)

-Kamui (Albert)
-A Shen

Thanks Guys !! I really happy that you guys still remember by birthday !!

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Oi Roy Happy birThday yO!!

iT's hard To be maTure, Though.. SOmeTImes i wish i can always be a child, always proTecTed from any harm, buT life musT go on, riTe :P

Good luck on your life Bro!
thanks van !!

hahaha different case bro, i live alone here, so condition forced me to do that :P

and gut nite
Hai Roy,kamu ga sendiri la,khan masih ada cie2,koko,your father dan seabrek konco2mu seng "oke punya" ya khan,tambah tua seh kagak cuman umur kita aja yg bertambah,tp itu juga sesuai dengan pengalaman yg kamu dptkan,ya ga?Semoga ditahun y.a.d.kamu tambah canggih,tambah ilmu,pokoknya nambah yang baik2 aja,(yg jelek ojok ditamabah yo),hahaha,rasane ga terasa ya udah setahun kamu di spore(kurang 3 hari),tp ya krasa ya roy,wong roy yg jalani,ya udah sekian dulu,GBU
hahaha kalo dipikir2 lagi seh emang ga kerasa cie, soalnya waktu kyaknya jalan cepet kalo kerja, apalagi udh mulai skul hehehe
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