Sunday, January 28, 2007

HEROES tv serial !! I'm addicted to it !!

First I know this Serial from trailer shown in Star World, and it'll start showing in Singapore 31st January '07. The trailer was so cool, only from the trailer I knew that I'll like this serial! Here's overall story quoted from

Heroes is a serial saga about people all over the world discovering that they have superpowers and trying to deal with how this change affects their lives. Some of the superheroes who will be introduced to the viewing audience include Peter Petrelli, an almost 30-year-old male nurse who suspects he might be able to fly, Isaac Mendez, a 28-year-old junkie who has the ability to paint images of the future when he is high, Niki Sanders, a 33-year-old Las Vegas showgirl who does things that are mysteriously connected with mirrors, Hiro Nakamura, a 24-year-old Japanese comic-book geek who literally makes time stand still, D.L. Hawkins, a 31-year-old inmate who can walk through walls, Matt Parkman, a beat cop who can hear other people's thoughts, and Claire Bennet, a 17-year-old cheerleader who defies death at every turn. As the viewing audience is discovering the nature of each hero's powers, the heroes, themselves, are discovering what having superpowers means to them as well as the larger picture of where their superpowers come from. Tune in each week to see how these heroes are drawn together by their common interest of evading the series' antagonist who wants to harvest their super-DNA for himself. Their ultimate destiny is nothing less than saving the world!

When the first time saw the commercial, I quickly set my hand phone alarm to make sure that I'll not miss this serial tv! Hahaha but wait, until one day (refer to the post below) I chat with my friend, Adean, and she gave me Rapidshare account !! wow Can't barely wait... I search it up and I found 12 episodes out of 17 episodes total in Season 1 (I suspect it'll be more than 1 season, because said that it's a SAGA, yeah !!)

I spent most of my day watching this shit !! Goodness !! It was bloody good !! I really like it !! can't wait for the next episode... oh by the way... I HATE waiting !! but no choice duh hahaha

You should watch it guys, and start to addict sweat

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Waaa enak e wes isa liaT huahauah. Kesenjangan inTerneT ini, ga seneng aku hauah. iyO dari iklan e di sTarworld keTOkan e apik, Tapi jadwal e benTrok ama "kawin muda" nya agnes monica.. Huhuhu..
huahua dijamin deh, yg ini lebih apik !! hahaha btw kan bisa cari di psar atom kan? patsiudh keluar deh... tp season 1 nya lom slese, baru ampe 12 :( mesti nuggu dah...
Wah nde aTom serem, mau beli DVD kyk dagang narkoba, sembunyi2 hahaha. Aku nonTon bleach jg ga mari2 ga ada wakTu e T_T
loh? skrg udh ga bole lagi ya dvd bajakan? lah dvd game2 gimana? kyak PS2 dll? wah wah... indo kok jd gini hahaha
DVD gak oleh. Anehnya, PS2 boleh. Indo Unik ya..
DVD gak oleh. Anehnya, PS2 boleh. Indo Unik ya..
hahaha aneh tapi nyata LOL ya udh.. masih mending lu bisa beli dvd bajakan, jd bisa maen Rogue Galaxy, disini susah banget cr bajakan, jd terpaksa download Rogue Galaxy pake torrent LOL
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