Thursday, February 22, 2007

Attention ! I changed my WLM email account !

Today at class my teacher gave us her MSN Messenger (now called Windows Live Messenger) account, and you know what... I'm very shock 'cause she gave me a email and I just "Huh? starhub email can login to WML" thats why I'm straightaway ask her how come she can use other than hotmail and yahoo (I knew that yahoo account can also login)

At home, I tried to search up in google and found some useful information that "ALL email can be used in WML" yes I mean ALL (including Gmail and any other private service provider, like mine) So I decided to changes my WML email account from my old one, to :)

And I tested that even though I'm using other than hotmail account I still can login through my NDS using Beup, happy? of course goodone

Click here if you want to use your private email for WML

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Hallo Roy,haiya.....ini apaan lagi,cie gaptek,ga ngertos bgt,jelasin deh maksudnya apa,apa semacam website pribadi gitu,atau apa ya,dpt dr sekolah yo?Oke yuk bye
bukan kok, ini MSN messenger biasa yg kayak dulu roy message2an sama icia di US, iling ga cie, hehehe

di kantor juga ada kok, tanya aja sama Andre suruh ngidupin MSN Messengernya terus, ntar bisa chat deh
Wah kl gitu cie bisa chatting ama roy dong,bukan begitu roy?,cuman waktunya aja ditepatkan ya roy,kl cie dikantor pasti buka sky pe dll,termasuk ya msg by voice,apa yg itu ya roy?,la kamu pake alamat apa di MSN itu,ntar cie masukin alamat roy,biar kita bisa chatting sekali wkt,hahaha.Oke yuk bye2
emailnya roy

trus roy pake yg namanya MSN Messenger ato Windows Live Messenger, dua itu sama2 bisa kok :)
Hehehe akhirnya AKU BISA,hahaha kayak iklane M 150,merek minuman,thanks roy,akhirnya aku ga gaptek kok,tambah lama tambah pinter,huahuahua,yuk bye
hehehe akhirnya ! hahaha sempet chat juga di messenger :P
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