Sunday, February 25, 2007

My Secondary school reunion

Ah... too bad I can't come to my Secondary School reunion sigh but well... I'm happy to see that all my friends from Sec School still doing alright (judging from the photo taken from Tri Yanti friendster) yup hope you guys still remember me !! lol Miss you all !!

- click to enlarge -

Maybe I can't remember all ('cause the picture not so clear) but well... I see Reffi, Lidya, Fennycia, Tri Yanti, Edo, Budi, Erik, Jeffry, David, Devina, Ina, Apriani, Yohanes, Meliana.

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Hai Roy,masih inget temenmu fennycia khan,dia sekarang jadi model di majalah ICE,kapan hari cie baca dimajalah tsb,hehehe,
hehe iya cie, roy tau kok, kyaknya itu edisi ICE* yg lama yah? kapan hr sempet seh aku mau ikutan jd model ICE* tp ga jadi hauhauahu
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