Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Got visitor from Surabaya for 6 months

Yup... A Shen will come here tomorrow, reach airport around 7pm. His kinda working here under contract from his university and his agent here. Since the agent him/her self will pick him up, so... I think I'll meet him the next day (I also got something to do, attend Wilson's show in Espalande)

The weird thing is, Erina told me that the A Shen's agent will hold his passport as long as his here? wtf? so another words, he can not go anywhere within 6 months? what a stupid idea ! Too bad, I already have a plan to take him walking around Johor Baru, well I guess Santosa Island will be enough then *sigh* but hey... I never go there also haha :)

Btw, hope he can understand what the Singaporean says, with a language they called Singlish (Singapore English) hahaha

Hehehe so see you tomorrow or the day after tomorrow :P

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