Sunday, March 04, 2007

My friendster layout, revamped !

fiuh... after long coding... finally my new friendster layout is done ! don't be surprised if the design is look a like with this blog because that was my purpose. I thought it was gonna easy LOL, but in fact IT ISN'T hahaha, but I'm glad with the result :) well.. enjoy !

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Good Job Good Job Bro!
buTuh brp hari ToTal recoding nya Tuh? uhauha
em... sehari doang cukup deh kyaknya hahahah, btw sapa yah kamu? LOL kok kirim comment ga pake nama :O
Roy,kl liat gaya tulisannya ini rasane si Van Wang itu lo Roy,dia kl nulis sukanya huruf T dibesar2in,tp ga tau lagi ya,hantu be'e roy,wong dia ga punya nama,hahahhaha
huahauha bener cie, udh si wong, huehuehe dia barusan ngaku LOL
hahaah NgejunK ah..
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