Thursday, August 23, 2007

Happy 22nd Birthday to A Shen

Happy Birthday to A Shen, though the party and the cake just anyhow, but the most important is, YOU GETTING OLD !! bwahahaha !! well... God bless you and success in your life
Full resolution of this Album Photo can be seen in my Multiply

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Sunday, August 19, 2007

Kodok Adventure !

Hahaha Kodok Adventure is actually suitable with this posting since today we go out to accompany him walking around Singapore, well not actually "Singapore" it was just malls near orchard like Heeren and Takashimaya, we also went Bugis and Clarke Quay to eat dinner. Here's few photos I arrange into comic :p hope you guys like it :D

Oh.. I almost forgot, I also buy a sticker for my ez-link card (bus card) for $2 in Far East Plaza :p

Full resolution of this Album Photo can be seen in my Multiply

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Dirgahayu Kemerdekaan R.I. ke 62

MERDEKA ! haha ini postingan pertama ku di blog ini pake bahasa indonesia, khusus buat post ini soalnya ka pas hari kemerdekaan hehe, wes tuwek yah Indonesia ini, udh umur 62, tapi ya, semoga aja makin makmur dan semakin berkualiitas ! Dan ngomong2 ini hari kemerderkaan yg kedua selama aku di Singapore hehe, buat yg tinggal di indo, jangan lupa kibarin benderanya yah, sebelum ditegur nanti sama Pak RT hahaha



Friday, August 17, 2007

I found old photos of my mom

I accidentally found these photos, taken in my brother's room at my old house using webcam. I've never knew that I would cry now when I took this photo that time... We really miss you mom... we really do...

Sometimes I was thinking maybe I could meet you up there if I ended my life today, but... I knew you wouldn't agreed with that. There's a lot things going on in my life, sometimes life treated me cruelly, but most of it life giving me smile, hope and friend who always cheered me up... Once, I promised to my self that I will not cried anymore, but living in this world is not easy as when you still beside me... it's just too many sweet memories...

I want you to know, that I'm happy now and I'm living in Singapore, though I have no family nearby but I have a lot people who cared with me...

I loved you mom, I always love you...

and btw... that was my hand hahaha please don't asking why I did that haha :P

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Thursday, August 16, 2007

I got 5 episodes of Doraemon Comic

Hahaha all thanks to Erina, before she came here.. I asked here to bring few episodes of Doraemon's comis :p finally I can read comic while I'm eat at poop ;p


Monday, August 13, 2007

Pixar Short Animation (Orchestra)


Sunday, August 12, 2007

I made a cookie, but I eated it...

The cat is so darn cute ! I found this photo on the net while I'm browsing :P

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Saturday, August 11, 2007

Website / Blog / Multiply design updated ! Change the background

blogger: Change the header (put an repeating image) and added script snapshot

multiply: Added new header, new footer, curly design on top/bottom of the profile photo on the right and top links navigation background :)


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Thursday, August 09, 2007

Happy 42nd Birthday to Singapore !

So this is my 2nd times of National Day of Singapore since I'm here. Singapore really spent a lot of dollar for this event, by building floating stage above the sea in Marina Bay. The ceremony was quite plain though... or maybe it's just me who can not appreciate this kind of celebration :P haha

but well, Happy Birthday Singapore

Read here for more information about NDP (National Day Parade)

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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Wii firmware update 3.0U

-Digital Clock added to the Wii Menu right under the channel bar
-Forecast Channel now displays the current condition (cloudy, raining, etc.) directly in the Wii Menu in the Forecast Channel box
-News Channel can now show 2 scrolling headlines at a time in the Wii Menu, 3 when you click on the button
-Message Board now has the “Today’s Accomplishments” message as a white message which allows it to stand out from other messages
-Address Book entries can now be shifted around using A+B but only to empty spaces. Not too convenient.
-Calendar in Message Board no longer shows “Today’s Accomplishment” only days as having messages
-Scrolling messages in the Message Board now uses a different sound

Wii Shop Channel Overhauled
(Visual aesthetic is the same, changes made to organization and browsing methods mostly)
-New Welcome screen detailing 4 Recommended Titles and the points they cost (gone is the title screen bar that had linkable games). The title bar can be clicked on to bring up a list of 20 recommended games.
-Titles You’ve Downloaded was moved to the main shop menu
-New ways to browse
-Popular Titles (2 pages of 10 and includes launch games so not only based on recent info)
-Newest Additions remains the same
-Search for a title which can use partial names
-Search by Category
-System shows the different systems and how many titles have been released under each
-Publisher showing different publishers and amount of titles released
-Genre (different genres listed and amount of titles under each)

-Warning added pre-system update detailing that technically modified consoles may cease to function upon being updated. Also the only way to not accept an update is to power down the console by holding the button for 4 seconds (the user can’t back out of hitting I Accept w/o powering down)

Strangely... I didn't get those messages :P maybe because I update my Wii after I configured my internet connection, possible. And it is confirmed that playing backup games still working though I installed this update.

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PSP Custom Firmware 3.52 M33 !!

Well.. before I write any further, I want to say thanks to Dark_Alex for all his works until now before he stepped back, but well... with or without him, PSP scene must go one.

M33 Teams (from Russia) continue what Dark_Alex lefts... and they came out with CF 3.52 M33, yups all the "features" you had before can be use in this Custom Firmware PLUS extra an extra feature which is fully use of iso loader from S0NY called np9660.prx. I couldn't believe if I didn't see with own eyes ! why the hell S0NY make an iso loader on this new firmware, only God knows I can tell :P oh and by the way, if we use np9660.prx while playing iso, the battery can last longer.

The other great news is (other than 90% compatibility iso loader without UMD inside) Legend of Legaia WORKS flawlessly in PSP, and im guessing other PSX games are also have increasing in compatibility. So many improvement... it's just like prizes for my second birthday LOL

Salute to M33 Team and Good Bye to Dark_Alex

M33 site

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Sunday, August 05, 2007

Brave Story: The New Traveler

Finally after long waited, there's a good quality RPG in PSP, Brave Story: The New Traveler

Brave Story follows the story of a young boy named Tatsuya whose good friend Miki has fallen ill due to an unknown force. Tatsuya is offered the chance to travel to the world of Vision, whereupon he becomes a Traveler, searching for five gems used to summon the goddess of destiny and save his stricken friend. During his travels, Tatsuya will run into a great deal of fantasy stand-bys: cat-people, known as Kitkin, lizardmen known as Waterkin, gnome-like people, and just about anything else you would figure belonged in a fantasy world. His friends, culled not only from the Human-like Ankha, but from the other races as well, fit well in the fairly stereotypical roles provided them: the adult Waterkin, Sogreth, who finds himself escorting the ragtag band of heroes, Yuno, the young, headstrong kitkin who becomes Tatsuya's first ally, and several other allies are all very charming. The dialogue flows well, is humorous at many times, and most gamers who aren't stony-faced will crack smiles at some of the story. Those who have seen the Japanese animated movie or read the novel will be interested to know that the story is a parallel to Wataru's, but instead follows a new set of characters. For what it is, Brave Story: New Traveler has a very charming story.

Any RPG-loving PSP owner should check it out because as it stands, Brave Story is, without a single doubt, the best original RPG for the widescreen handheld

Quoted from

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Thursday, August 02, 2007

Mushroom phone holder :p

For a few weeks I'm hesitating to buy this phone holder, and finally... the third times I went to this shop, I couldn't resist and I bought it hahaha It's just too cute to ignore LOL I'm consider a person which quite rare to be interested in this kind of thing :p but still $11.99 was quite expensive for phone holder :O

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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Singapore 21 July - 31 July 2007

Fiuh... It's been awhile since I updated my blog...

July 21th Erina and Yanto came to Singapore, their flight only 1 hours different, so after I picked up Yanto, we wait around an hour then Erina and her mother plus her mother's friends landed. Three of us went straight to the hotel at Balestier Rd (Fragrance Hotel) I purposely booked a hotel in this road because A Shen staying just beside this hotel, so at night he can just easily come to this hotel and hang out together :D

First when we stepped inside to this hotel.. OMG... the receptionist service was very lousy as well as the place, small hotel... we just can't wait to see how's the room will look like hahaha and it was exactly like how we afraid of ! the room was very small, yes... what i meant very is VERY ! the bed is queen size, there was not enough space to put an extra bed beside it and we can not imagine how four of us can sleep in this bed hahaha but well we eventually managed to sleep, though I didn't really sleep well that night, really uncomfortable. Sadly I only can stay one night (thanks God haha) cause the next day I must go to school (Monday)

But well even though I can't accompany Yanto to airport, but luckily Erina and A Shen had time :) I can't really remember where was the place we went, so I just write here randomly :p

Orchard Rd, Esplanade, Citilink, Vivo City, China Town, Wild Wild Wet, Starbuck Cafe, The Heeren, Takashimaya S.C., Paragon, Tampiness Mall

We also watched Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix in Tampiness Mall but without Yanto since he already watch it and go playing water in Wild Wild Wet (Waterpark and Waterboom are better though :P)

Complete photo can be viewed here

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