Sunday, December 31, 2006

My Cats on shoes rack

After I finish watching movie, I spotted my cat Bon2, jump up to the shoes rack and sat down there, and I managed to take a picture of him, and I have no idea why he like to be there :what!:

By the way before that I'm watching "My Super Ex-Girlfriend" in my PS2 (PlayStation2) via USB HDD, all thanks to the program SMS (Simple Media Center) for PS2, who allowed .avi playback in PS2 through HDD :) the movie quite funny and easy to understand, it was a drama romance with super power things. If you know Superman (who doesn't?) you'll notice it's almost the same story, added some funny things :P

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Saturday, December 30, 2006

PlayStation2 still haven't die... yet !

hm.. most of people now busy talking about Nintendo Wii and PlayStation3. Of course, those are next generation consoles and just released last month "how about XBOX360?" nah... don't sweat with it, forget it! (no reason, really)

Just know I download quite a lot games trailers from, I downloaded Wii, PS3 and PS2 trailers, and I notice that games developer doesn't forgot about PlayStation2 console (yet). 'Cause quite a lot top notch games which gonna release sooner. So I think PS2 can still survive for 2 or 3 years (even though I doubt for the 3rd year or 2nd year, oh well..)

Let see what other games will be release near future (probably next year or this month)
-Rogue Galaxy
-Secret of Mana 4
-Wild Arms the Vth Vanguard
-Tomb Raider Anniversary
-Shining Force EXA
-Metal Slug Anthology
-God of War II
-Final Fantasy X International (Ultimate Hits)
-Final Fantasy X-2 International + Last Mission

And recently released and must have games
-Final Fantasy XII
-Valkyrie Profile 2
-Splinter Cell: Double Agent

So how? If you have PS2 and now you abandoned it at the corner of your room, so get up! Time for you to pick it up, clean it... and BUY the games I mentioned above!! :)

Good luck for you and your PS2

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Friday, December 29, 2006

MyBlog design revamped !!

Got nothing much to do today and I decided to revamp MyBlog design, and we go, tell me you like it or not guys. The new concept for my design is actually dark and compact. I also put vectorized design on the top part, change the font type and rearrange the smilies. To be honest I like this one better than the previous one, more eye catching and no childish things anymore (go away you bear) :suspi:

But still not perfect yet, must edit some css codes here and there, and thanks to Van for his suggestion to adding HOME button in every pages :lol: now easy to navigate (after you post comments or viewed full page of post you can click home on the top navigation bar to go back)

enjoy :)
comments and suggestions are always welcome


Thursday, December 28, 2006

My student pass approved !

Today I got a call that my student pass approved and I can get it as soon as I get the latter from them. So I can start school next January's :yes:

Hope everything goes well .:


Slow internet connection (earthquake in Taiwan)

Today internet connection got problem, can not connect to the website from overseas, and slow connection from most of the sites in Singapore (I just lucky, I still can access my site). My friend called SingNet to verify this problem, and they said that the slow connection because the earthquake in Taiwan.

7.1 SR earthquake in Taiwan, Tuesday (26/12/2006), make the fiber backbone optic who go through Taiwan broken. Thats why the International link who provided by local ISPs are also disconnected. So I presume StarHub also experience the same problem as SingNet, as well as the others Asia Pacific ISPs. But we still can access internet on most of Singapore website (even though it's slow) especially the government sites.

Well.. I hope this problem can solve quickly

GBU Taiwan

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Wednesday, December 27, 2006

"Final Fantasy Versus 13" teaser

Well, maybe this is an old news, but here you go, teaser from Final Fantasy Versus 13

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Rain the whole day !!

Today is the coolest day in Singapore (at least for me) 'cause since I woke up 'till now, the rain never stop even a bit! :lol: good for me? hahaha yeah you're right, I like cold weather. But one thing I don't really like is... the heater in my bathroom not so hot anymore :hmm: but well, for one two days to get weather like this, why not? :)

OK... another day will has passed



Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Play all PS1 games ISO in PSP flawlessly

OMFG !! this is truly the best Christmas gift I ever had !! With the new Custom Firmware 3.02 OE-B I can play all, yeah I mean ALL PlayStation (PSX) games ISO in my PSP (of course I have original PS1 games) Can you imagine that with this emulator, you play all these titles? >:-[

Final Fantasy VII and Suikoden II in PSP

click here for compatibility list

Thanks to Dark_Alex, the creator of Custom Firmware 3.02 OE-B, who make "everythings" possible, salute to you...and Merry Christmas

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Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas 2006 everybody !!!


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Sunday, December 24, 2006

Death Note 2 : Last Name

I just came home, after watch Death Note 2 : Last Name Sneak Preview aka Midnight in The Cathay


First time I saw the poster, they put the words "Final Showdown" then I think "how come?" I'm sure they can not finish the whole story in this second movie, but then.. when I watched it, I know that the 3rd story has been cut out. The story should be continue with new characters revealed after "L" died... but in this movie they cut it out, too bad I haven't finish reading the manga, so I don't know the "actual" ending from manga.

here I quote the synopsis from the Official Website
Light joins the task force searching for Kira in an effort to avert suspicion from himself and also, to get rid of L. The mystery deepens as another Death Note with its God of Death, is brought into the human world. A second and third Kira complicates the mystery. Making things even more unpredictable are the 'Eyes of Death', given to the second Kira, enabling the owner to know the true identity and lifespan of any person. Who would get hold of the 'Trump Card' which would determine the outcome of events? And who will be the Last name?

You can watch in cinema at 28 December, for people who never watch the first part or never read the manga, please... don't watch this movie... better go grab the copy of the manga or watch the first part first :) trust me


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Playing Crash Bandicoot from PS1 in PSP

OK... thanks to "Custom Firmware 3.02 OE-A" :> I finally can played PS1 games in PSP without having the PS3 (well even though S0NY already mention that you DON'T need PS3 for playing PS1 games in PSP, but still...) >:-[

So enough talking, the video proved it all

sorry the video a bit shaggy, 'cause holding camera and shoot while playing the PSP was difficult :P

Obviously the screen resolution in PS1 is smaller than PSP, thats why S0NY provide "Screen Mode" where you can choose from Original, Normal or Full Screen (I suggested to choose Normal) and you can also "Assign Button" , view "Software Manual" and of course "Quit Game" when you pressed HOME button

Just one think I'm hoping from S0NY... provide MORE good quality GAMES !!! Final Fantasy VII, Xenogears, Wild Arms maybe? :)

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Saturday, December 23, 2006

Officially 3.02 OE-A PSP user owner

Today im marked as officially 3.02 OE-A owner, you guys must be wondering what the hell is this :P but I'm sure if you like to hack your PSP and always up to date with the news, you knew what I'm talking about

Now my PSP system software is "3.02 OE-B" (Open Edition) as you no notice the newest firmware 'till i wrote this blog was 3.03 (it's just security update) it's means, I can use my backup ISOs, homebrews as well as enjoying all new features from 3.02 firmware :)and no need DevHook to emulated my PSP into 3.02 firmware :>

Unchanged since 2.71SE-C:

* Can run homebrews using 1.50 kernel (same compatibility as 2.71 SE-C)
* Recovery menu
* Built-in iso/cso support (appears in the vsh under the GAME menu)

Changed since 2.71SE-C:

* Runs 3.02 vsh
* Can run homebrews using 3.02 kernel

Removed since 2.71SE-C:

* Location Free player
* Korean fonts

Added since 2.71SE-C:

* UMD-VIDEO Region free
* PSP kernel Region selector
* O/X button selector
* WMA enabeling option
* Flash player Enableing option
* Pops (SCE psone emulator) drm protection hacked (that means that you can now your games in more than one psp and share those over the internet)

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Friday, December 22, 2006

Dance Fever?

:lol: when you read the title, please don't think to much, it's not that i dance in the stage where a lot people watch... well... yeah sometimes i did that but in arcade place where I played DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) :P I only play DDR 3rd Mix, above that version was sucks :sigh:

Obviously DDR was the first game I ever play, with the good idea to let the person press the button accordingly with the arrows :) read here for more information

I'm not only playing DDR in arcade, I also spent my times playing DDR in home console (PS2) yeah I know, You must be thinking how I pressed the buttons on the floor? hehehe PS2 came out with the new controller like the picture below, this controller works perfectly, same as the arcade system. But of course you still can play this game with the PS2 standard controller (mostly I used standard controller) :P you know why... tired.. XX(


Now when I owned PSP, I must say thanks to the person who create homebrew called "PSP Revolution" work perfectly like DDR in home consoles :P and the Songs Packs can always be added in the game, hehehe so you never bored


From the Original PSP game it self, came out with game called "DJ Max Portable" although it's not a dance game, but this game used the same method as DDR (pressing the arrow accordingly), this game is from Korea, you know how good is Korean Songs :)


In online side (I'm talking for PC) there's one game with the title "Auditon" This is an online game where you compete with other player all arround the world, the rules is quite simple. There's one row of arrows, press it before the bar reach the white mark, at the same time when reach the white mark, you must press "space bar" in your keyboard to continue next row :) you can see the details information about this game here It's free to play and download!! My nickname in this game is "RoyEx" see you there folks :lalala:


Ready to dance?

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Monday, December 18, 2006

What a rainy day... Christmas?

Today I wake up at 12 in the morning 8| I wonder why I woke so late, and I noticed it's all thanks to the rain out there and my new blanket (outside cold, inside warm) yeah... now I know why :P

It's still raining out there when I'm writing this blog (while my body covered by blanket) is it because Christmas reaching? (8 more days) hm... so this year will be my first Christmas in Singapore as well as New Year. Sometimes I hope that my family and my friends are here beside me, to celebrate Christmas together, but when I think about it... hey I have a new family here with 3 cute cats in my apartment :) I knew I'll go through this December with full of happiness, of course I hope you guys can feel the same. Because Christmas is my favorite day... I have a dream to feel the snow when Christmas, but looks like this year have no chance, hope next year will fulfill

By the way, I really like this weather. The rain not so heavy but raining the whole day, hope everyday will be like this (which is impossible :sigh:)

One more day has passed... good night all


Sunday, December 17, 2006

Slideshow photos from Surabaya

another photo slide show design from my photos when I'm in Surabaya 30nov - 10dec, enjoy ;)

Remember to see the full album here

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Saturday, December 16, 2006

Surabaya 31nov - 10dec

Huahhhhhhhhhhhhh what a long day :P finally back to Singapore! Firstly, I want to apologise to those who are worried for me... 'cause when i reached singapore, and change my sim card to my s'pore number... BAM ! i must activate using passwords... and I CAN NOT remember the password :sigh: 3x wrong passwords and my card got blocked :>> but now everything back to normal :P

Well well, lets get back to the topic... I went back to Surabaya from 31nov - 10dec... the flight was OK :) a bit shaky, but eventually still reach Surabaya :lol: here's the details of my schedule in Surabaya, if you want to called it busy day, it's ok... 'cause IT WAS :P

31 Nov - Doing nothing at homeclick to enlarge

01 Dec - Go to Galaxy Mall 2 with Erik and Lili
02 Dec - In the morning go to my old office in Surabaya, then go to PTC with Cie Bing2, at night I go to TP with My brother, Dwi and Ririn
03 Dec - Go to TP (2nd times) with Erina and A Shen, watch Step Up
04 Dec - Go to PTC (2nd times) with My brother, Dwi and Shinta
05 Dec - So bloody bored in the morning, but at night go to Starbuck Cafe TP with Dwi, Chen2 and Ririn (tried WiFi connection there) after that go Mc'D
06 Dec - Go to TP (3rd times) with EX2J (Me, Erina, Meyling, Yanto, Tri Yanti, Danny, Deborah, A Shen (his not EX2J, I have no idea why he invited :lol:)
07 Dec - Do nothing almost the whole day, at evening, i dye my hair
08 dec - Go to TP (4rd times) with A LOT friends from Frateran High School such as Erik, Caroline, Novita (Karjo), Venny, Lia, Lili, William, Selvi, Ika 8| thanks to Erik for his work inviting them all :P
09 Dec - In the morning go to my Mom place then eat lunch with My bro and my father, in the evening go to WaterPark with EX2J and after that go to G-Walk :P what a long day :P
10 Dec - Go back to Singapore :lalala:

Well... thats all 10 days in Surabaya, very very tiring but in the same time, its very fun... thank you all, thank you my friends, we'll see again soon (next year) :lalala:

for the complete photo when I'm in surabaya, click this link :)

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